5 research outputs found

    Defect detection using weakly supervised learning

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    In many real-world scenarios, obtaining large amounts of labeled data can be a daunting task. Weakly supervised learning techniques have gained significant attention in recent years as an alternative to traditional supervised learning, as they enable training models using only a limited amount of labeled data. In this paper, the performance of a weakly supervised classifier to its fully supervised counterpart is compared on the task of defect detection. Experiments are conducted on a dataset of images containing defects, and evaluate the two classifiers based on their accuracy, precision, and recall. Our results show that the weakly supervised classifier achieves comparable performance to the supervised classifier, while requiring significantly less labeled data

    Tackling Dataset Bias With an Automated Collection of Real-World Samples

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    The early 21st-century technological advancements tilted the scales towards data-driven learning. Thus, modern machine-learning systems rely heavily on data to learn complex models to efficiently provide relevant predictions. Data-driven learning suffers from overfitting, a situation in which the learning process seems to have converged into a model that, unfortunately, lacks generalization power. One way to withstand overfitting is to expand the training dataset with more diverse samples. Typically, this is implemented (particularly in computer vision research, which is of interest in this study) by multiplying the original sample using several transformations. Although this strategy might seem straightforward, it does not affect any preexisting dataset bias because the initial distribution remains more or less similar. Ideally, new samples of unseen data must be found, but the cost of acquiring them individually is high. This study presents a novel pipeline that combines state-of-the-art modules to automatically create new thematic datasets with low bias. The proposed method was able to acquire and allocate more than 880K previously unseen images to produce a data collection, that InceptionV3 classified it with 72% accuracy and achieved 0.0008 performance variance when testing on similar datasets

    Assessment of Industry 4.0 for Modern Manufacturing Ecosystem: A Systematic Survey of Surveys

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    The rise of the fourth industrial revolution aspires to digitize any traditional manufacturing process, paving the way for new organisation schemes and management principles that affect business models, the environment, and services across the entire value chain. During the last two decades, the generated advancements have been analysed and discussed from a bunch of technological and business perspectives gleaned from a variety of academic journals. With the aim to identify the digital footprint of Industry 4.0 in the current manufacturing ecosystem, a systematic literature survey of surveys is conducted here, based on survey academic articles that cover the current state-of-the-art. The 59 selected high-impact survey manuscripts are analysed using PRISMA principles and categorized according to their technologies under analysis and impact, providing valuable insights for the research and business community. Specifically, the influence Industry 4.0 exerts on traditional business models, small and medium-sized enterprises, decision-making processes, human–machine interaction, and circularity affairs are investigated and brought out, while research gaps, business opportunities, and their relevance to Industry 5.0 principles are pointed out

    MARMA: A Mobile Augmented Reality Maintenance Assistant for Fast-Track Repair Procedures in the Context of Industry 4.0

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    The integration of exponential technologies in the traditional manufacturing processes constitutes a noteworthy trend of the past two decades, aiming to reshape the industrial environment. This kind of digital transformation, which is driven by the Industry 4.0 initiative, not only affects the individual manufacturing assets, but the involved human workforce, as well. Since human operators should be placed in the centre of this revolution, they ought to be endowed with new tools and through-engineering solutions that improve their efficiency. In addition, vivid visualization techniques must be utilized, in order to support them during their daily operations in an auxiliary and comprehensive way. Towards this end, we describe a user-centered methodology, which utilizes augmented reality (AR) and computer vision (CV) techniques, supporting low-skilled operators in the maintenance procedures. The described mobile augmented reality maintenance assistant (MARMA) makes use of the handheld’s camera and locates the asset on the shop floor and generates AR maintenance instructions. We evaluate the performance of MARMA in a real use case scenario, using an automotive industrial asset provided by a collaborative manufacturer. During the evaluation procedure, manufacturer experts confirmed its contribution as an application that can effectively support the maintenance engineers

    Fast and scalable in-memory deep multitask learning via neural weight virtualization

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    This paper introduces the concept of Neural Weight Virtualization - which enables fast and scalable in-memory multitask deep learning on memory-constrained embedded systems. The goal of neural weight virtualization is two-fold: (1) packing multiple DNNs into a fixed-sized main memory whose combined memory requirement is larger than the main memory, and (2) enabling fast in-memory execution of the DNNs. To this end, we propose a two-phase approach: (1) virtualization of weight parameters for fine-grained parameter sharing at the level of weights that scales up to multiple heterogeneous DNNs of arbitrary network architectures, and (2) in-memory data structure and run-time execution framework for in-memory execution and context-switching of DNN tasks. We implement two multitask learning systems: (1) an embedded GPU-based mobile robot, and (2) a microcontroller-based IoT device. We thoroughly evaluate the proposed algorithms as well as the two systems that involve ten state-of-the-art DNNs. Our evaluation shows that weight virtualization improves memory efficiency, execution time, and energy efficiency of the multitask learning systems by 4.1x, 36.9x, and 4.2x, respectively